2022 Studio Relief Program

Artist Statement/ Biography
An artist exploring the relationship between human society and the natural world. Whether I am using compost and canvas, soil or film, my art is a process and a product of my search for the truths beneath—under the skin, the ground we walk on, within the stories we tell and the lies we believe. I am trying to feel and demonstrate the world as it really is, not as it has been constructed to be. My work bends time and space to explore the unstable and shifting nature of the human experience and the forces that age and transform all living things. I am an interdisciplinary artist critiquing the invented hierarchies that have been used to construct the illusion of history. My process is one of exposure, revelation and digging to the depths to look through and underneath what has been contrived, invented or erased in order to preserve the cultural fantasies that structure our engagement with our world.< BACK