2021 Season I
Jiwon Rhie (USA/South Korea)

Artist Statement/ Biography
Jiwon Rhie is an artist who works with sculpture, video, and installation to explore her ideas. Her work deals with diverse subject matter exploring ideas of boundaries, human relationships, identity, and communication. To conceptualize abstract narratives in visual language, Rhie uses ordinary household and industrial materials. Her interest is in standardized, mass-produced products, which highly occupies every single human’s life everywhere. These materials are common language in the most globalized city, and she applies new connotations in it by transforming its function and appearance to repurpose its perspective.--
Jiwon Rhie is a Korean multidisciplinary artist based in Brooklyn. She holds a BFA from Hongik University(10’ Visual Communication Design), Hannam University (14’ Fine Arts), and an MFA at Pratt Institute. Rhie has been selected in Bronx Museum 2020 AIM Emerging Artist Fellows and her works have been exhibited in diverse group shows including 12th Annual - Portal: Governors Island (Governors Island, NY), Real World (Tropical Contemporary, OR), PASSION. CONTINUED: A Wave of Peace from Korea to the World (Gallery Korea, NY). She has participated in the residency program of 4Heads AIR (Governors Island, NY) and Vermont Studio Center (Burlington, VT).