2017 Season IV

Artist Statement/ Biography
Lieselotte's concepts and themes are realised through the medium of sculpture and installation, using found objects which are modified and combined with other materials, focusing on naturally fitting connections. Her artistic research surrounds 'identity'. Especially concerning identity in travesty, cultural identity versus universal identity in particular; and the hardened, softened and faded characteristics of one's identity when having a neurological disease.
Lieselotte's relationship with autonomous writing cements her process and connections which in turn adds poignancy and purpose to the artifacts created, giving them narrative and guiding the viewer through an empathic experience.
Her work is seen as honest, autonomous, clear and subtle, with a vulnerable force that begs the viewer to interact and reflect inwardly.
Lieselotte has a degree in Fine Arts from the Gerrit Rietveld
Academie, Amsterdam, Netherlands. Notable posts include an
artist-in-residence Barcelona, residency at CENTRE /
Foundation in New York. Lieselotte has exhibited widely
internationally with group and solo shows in the Netherlands, Austria,
Spain, the U.K, the U.S., and Germany. She has presented international lectures, and her work has been internationally published in books, catalogs and (online)magazines. Lieselotte is the founder of
Fontrodona Artspace, Amsterdam, has completed several research trips to Tokyo,
Cape Town and New York; and was awarded first prize in the GRIT
Project from the Amsterdam Centre of Entrepreneurship in 2016.
Self-titled upcoming publication of works will be released in 2018.