Artist Statement/ Biography
His experimentation with and misuse of the mechanics of photographic reproduction and often physical interrogation of analogue photographic processes questions photography as a vehicle of depiction and its capacity for memory. Those processes free images from the strain of indexicality which allows them through the language of imagery to generate their own meaning. Much of the work happening at NARS will be an extension of his project "We Travel To And Shall Be Lost In Always", in which he used video, installation and photography to highlight his personal experiences with a fatal neurodegenerative disease (Huntington’s) as well as draw relationships between his own failing memory and the crisis of the deterioration of digital media and storage known as “bit rot.”
William Miller (American, b.1969) is an artist from New York City. He received an MFA in the Photography Video and Related Media program at the School of Visual Arts in New York. He also received an BA for photography at Bard College, Annandale-On-Hudson. He has exhibited work at Aperture Foundation, Center of Photography at Woodstock, and the NEoN Digital Arts Festival in Dundee, Scotland, won the Celeste prize for photography and participated at the Wassaic Artist residency family Program in 2018.